At 12:40AM, the nurse woke me up to tell me we were getting a roommate. By the time they brought in a bed, the patient, asked them questions, etc., and the new roomie was settled in, it was 2:00AM.
At 4:00AM, CJ woke up nauseous again, but we were able to get some medication administered before anything happened again. Sleep was off & on.
At 6:00, doctors, residents, interns, students, or whoever they are started making rounds and checking on us. I managed to get a little more sleep until 7:00, when shift change occurred.
Our surgeon came by around 8:00 or so to check on our roommate, so he popped in to see how CJ was doing. He was pleased with how well CJ looked. Our roommate was discharged around 9:00, so we had the room to ourselves again.
A little before 10:00, CJ was hit with sudden nausea, and before I could let anyone know, he was sick again. CJ's attitude has been great. Despite the pain of throwing up, he said, "Well, at least we know I can sit up." LOL
The catheter came out at 10:15, which made CJ very happy.
At 10:30, the physical therapist came in and had CJ really sit up & move to a wheel chair for a while. As soon as he was settled in the chair, he went back to sleep, and pretty much stayed that way until a little after noon, when he had to do his breathing exercises again. He really didn't enjoy those breathing exercises. Then, the physical therapist came in to get him back into bed. He was glad for that.
The physical therapist came back around 3:45 for CJ to get up and try walking a little bit. As soon as CJ had taken a couple of steps, though, he felt dizzy and needed to sit down. He sat in the wheel chair for another couple of hours (sleeping most of the time again).
CJ had a long line of visitors, which he loved, but it sure wore him out. By the end of the evening, he was exhausted & grouchy. Throughout the day, he struggled with nausea, but he never threw up again.
We were told of a private room that was opening up and asked if we wanted it. With the horrible experience of the previous night, we definitely took the opportunity to move.
Sometime between 9:00 & 9:30, CJ seemed to turn a corner, and finally found his appetite. He had some chicken noodle soup, pudding, and beef jerkey. And he started drinking even more.
With the knowledge that he was feeling better and that we wouldn't be getting any midnight roomies, hopes were high for a good night's sleep.
CJ had a long line of visitors, which he loved, but it sure wore him out. By the end of the evening, he was exhausted & grouchy. Throughout the day, he struggled with nausea, but he never threw up again.
We were told of a private room that was opening up and asked if we wanted it. With the horrible experience of the previous night, we definitely took the opportunity to move.
Sometime between 9:00 & 9:30, CJ seemed to turn a corner, and finally found his appetite. He had some chicken noodle soup, pudding, and beef jerkey. And he started drinking even more.
With the knowledge that he was feeling better and that we wouldn't be getting any midnight roomies, hopes were high for a good night's sleep.